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All HRD activities pursue the objective of systematically and continuously adapting the competences of the employees during all the phases of their professional life to the demands of the respective field of operation and department.

The p3 trainers and facilitators offer workshops and trainings in related selected subject areas. Our trainers and facilitators address subject areas of cutting-edge significance and concentrate on practice-relevant situations and issues. ?Our core focus is on the following subject areas:

  • Team development*
  • Communication and client orientation*
  • Self-management**
  • Train-the-trainer ***
  • Project management

These areas are of central significance in many respects for the performance of employees and management staff. In these areas, external trainers and facilitators have moreover proven to be very positive in terms of acceptance, commitment and actual implementation of the learning content.

* Many projects and ambitious development campaigns could proceed more successfully given smoother collaboration between the teams involved. Particularly effective teams consider regular team workshops as a welcome opportunity for fine-tuning communication and cooperation. Successful teams are also characterized by a marked service and customer care mentality in direct contact with internal and external clients

** The content and timeline requirements of the working area intensify at all levels, the main tasks are frequently subject to reprioritization. Managers are increasingly faced with the challenge of generating sufficient time for their leadership duties. In this respect, vital and effective self-management makes all the difference.

*** In many cases it is considerably more effective to qualify in-house specialists methodologically and didactically and thus enable them to identify the really relevant technical stimuli, rather than have external trainers become acquainted with the requirements and actual circumstances of the company. Knowledge management, learning organization, communities of practice and the explication of practical corporate knowledge and experience are relevant key concepts in this context. As key users and multiplicators, internal department managers usually have the requisite knowledge of the subjects involved and also of the company.